Hi! Welcome to BeluQuotes!
Just a simple site to keep track of all the quotes of Beluga
- Never Delete the Settings App...
- If Beluga owned TikTok...
- I only speak Emoji
- Roblox Ban Speedrun (11.59 seconds)
- When the School WiFi goes down...
- What to do if someone corrects your spelling...
- Don't Scan this QR Code
- When Autocorrect RickRolls You...
- When Your Phone Charger Gets Stuck...
- I Will Guess Your Name...
- Youtube Bot Comments Be Like...
- When AirDrop goes terribly wrong...
- When a "Friend" disables your Phone...
- Hmmmmmm.........
- Oops.... wrong emoji
- If Beluga owned Kahoot...
- When Your AirPods are at 1%
- Discord Hunger Games 2
- Discord Hunger Games
- When you accidentally unmute your mic...
- When You Rate an App 1 Star...
- Every gamer's worst nightmare...
- When Mom comes home in 1 minute...